• 正在播放泰壹HD中字


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  • 泰壹影评
  • 剧情介绍
  Chun Taeil was an assistant who once bought bread for hungry girls working in factories; a tailor who could not turn a blind eye to the poor working conditions in Pyeonghwa Market; and a worker who had no choice but to shout to defend the Labor Standards Act. Instead of honoring Chun Taeil as a patriotic martyr, Chun Tae-il deals with his personality and destiny. It depicts the eldest son, who had to be the pillar of a poor family, and a worker who had no choice but to set fire to the labor movement by collaborating with his colleagues, who did not even know how to protest. At the same time, the film depicts the scenery and characters of the more lyrical time in which Chun Taeil lived. Chun Tae-il is a detailed portrait of the people who wanted to live like human beings in impossible times presented as a painful and beautiful animated film. The voice actors include actors Jang Dongyoon as Chun; Yeom Hyeran as Chun′s mother, Lee Sosun; and Jin Seonkyu ; Park Chulmin; and Kwon Haehyo. (HONG Eunmi)


  • HD中字名侦探柯南:黑铁的鱼影高山南,林原惠美,山崎和佳奈,小山力也,山口胜平,古谷彻,池田秀一,置鲇龙太郎,三石琴乃,岸野幸正,一城美由希,土师孝也,乃村健次,飞田展男,绪方贤一,松井菜樱子,岩居由希子,大谷育江,茶风林,汤屋敦子,井上和彦,千叶繁,堀之纪,立木文彦,小山茉美,井上喜久子,木下浩之,玉川纱己子,种崎敦美,诹访部顺一,神谷浩史,土田大,泽木郁也,宫原永海,村濑步,泽田敏子,鸟海胜美,藤原泰浩,金光宣明,冈井克升
  • TC中字你想活出怎样的人生山时聪真,菅田将晖,柴崎幸,爱缪,木村佳乃,木村拓哉,国村隼,小林薰,火野正平,竹下景子,风吹淳,阿川佐和子,泷泽凯伦,大竹忍
  • HD中字授课到天亮Chu!下田麻美,浅倉杏美,三森すずこ
  • 第12集完结大王饶命 第二季杨天翔,赵爽
  • HD爱从性开始更新时间:2023-03-24
  • HD中字有你的小镇:黄昏交叉点OAD1细谷佳正,早见沙织,增田俊树


视频更新时间:2023-10-25 15:22
影片导演:Jun-Pyo Hong
影片演员:张东润,Yeom Hye-ran,陈善圭,权海骁
剧情介绍:Jun-Pyo Hong导演执导的《泰壹》,该影片在2021年大陆发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑,由张东润,Yeom Hye-ran,陈善圭,权海骁 等主演的一部不错的电视剧。
  Chun Taeil was an assistant who once bought bread for hungry girls working in factories; a tailor who could not turn a blind eye to the poor working conditions in Pyeonghwa Market; and a worker who had no choice but to shout to defend the Labor Standards Act. Instead of honoring Chun Taeil as a patriotic martyr, Chun Tae-il deals with his personality and destiny. It depicts the eldest son, who had to be the pillar of a poor family, and a worker who had no choice but to set fire to the labor movement by collaborating with his colleagues, who did not even know how to protest. At the same time, the film depicts the scenery and characters of the more lyrical time in which Chun Taeil lived. Chun Tae-il is a detailed portrait of the people who wanted to live like human beings in impossible times presented as a painful and beautiful animated film. The voice actors include actors Jang Dongyoon as Chun; Yeom Hyeran as Chun′s mother, Lee Sosun; and Jin Seonkyu ; Park Chulmin; and Kwon Haehyo. (HONG Eunmi)
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